Friday, January 16, 2015

Milk Kefir

Milk Kefir Care Instructions

Keeping milk kefir is easy.  You simply put the kefir grains (see below) into milk.  The next day (two days, if it is very cold in your home), strain out the kefir grains and place them in fresh milk.  Ta-da!  You have made milk kefir!

Milk kefir grains will thicken milk and give it a sour flavor.  Milk kefir is similar in consistency to a tangy, drinkable yogurt.  It is full of probiotics!

To make a quart of milk kefir at a time in a canning jar with a plastic lie, or brew in a fido jar:

1 - 4 T. milk kefir grains (the more grains, the faster your milk will kefir)
~ 3 c. milk (any dairy milk will work, goat milk and skim milk will be thinner in consistency)

Place grains in jar and pour milk over grains (milk can be cold or room temperature).  Container can be filled ~ 2/3 - 3/4 full.  Leave some head space as the milk kefir will sometimes expand as it ferments and/or become fizzy.  Cover this mixture with a solid lid or cloth lid.  It will be fine either way.  I prefer to use a plastic lid to avoid cross-contaminating my sourdough starter, kombucha, sauerkraut, and other ferments.  Leave milk kefir at room temperature until it thickens.  This may take 12 - 48 hours.  The warmer your house is, the quicker it will ferment.  The more grains you use per quart of milk, the faster it will ferment.  If your milk kefir over ferments, which is common in the summertime, it will separate into a milky layer and a clearish (whey) layer.  No worries.  Stir it up to recombine them.  You might want to use fewer milk kefir grains or not ferment for as long next time to prevent this.  This is your first ferment. You can drink it plain, but it will taste MUCH better if you second ferment it.

Pour through strainer to separate grains from kefired milk.  A strainer with large holes is quicker and easier to use than a fine strainer.  The kefir grains are placed in fresh milk to culture at room temperature, just like before.

Second ferment - This step is optional, but it adds delicious flavor to kefir and cuts down on the sour flavor. Add fresh, frozen or dried fruit, citrus slices or peel, latte powder, flavoring, extra, or even garlic to the kefired milk and let it sit on the coutnertop for 24 hrs. to ferment (again).  Strain out flavoring (if applicable) and place in fridge or consume.

Kefir can also be strained to make a kefir cheese.  This kefir cheese can be used in place of sour cream.  You can strain until firm, add some spices and herbs for a healthy and delicious vegetables.  Ron's Kefir Dip is particularly amazing!!!

***Cultures can cross-contaminate one another.  Keep several feet from other fermented foods/beverages.***

Links to care of milk kefir, milk kefir recipes, and troubleshooting:

Dom's Kefir Site endless kefir information!

Cultured Food Life by Donna Schwenk, fantastic kefir recipes and information

Whole Natural Life kefir photo guide

Yeemos kefir troubleshooting guide and great source of cultures

Cultures for Health kefir troubleshooting and culture source, great customer service

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