Water Kefir
To make a quart at a
time in a canning jar with a paper towel rubberbanded across the top or cover with a plastic lid, or brew in a fido jar:
1/4 c. sugar (organic, unrefined is best) You can also regular white sugar and adding
molasses to it if it is what you have at the moment.
1/4 c. water kefir grains
~3-4 c. water, non-chlorinated
1/2 organic lemon (or peeled regular lemon, or regular lemon dipped in boiling water 30 seconds) - don't need to
squeeze it
1 piece dried fruit (organic, unsulphured)
Water kefir grains need minerals. I have well water, so they get plenty of
minerals from the water. If you're using
reverse osmosis water, etc., you will need to add some minerals. Unrefined sugar will provide some
minerals. Others add a tiny pinch of
baking soda, boiled & cleaned eggshells, a drop of liquid minerals, etc. Cover this mixture with a solid lid or cloth
lid. It will be fine either way. This is your first ferment. Let it sit 24-48 hrs. You can drink it plain, but it will taste
MUCH better if you second ferment it.
Second ferment - Pour through strainer to separate grains.
Add fruit, juice or other flavoring (maybe 1-5 oz. juice, small piece of fruit
- pureed, dried, frozen, etc. are all fine) and cap tightly. Let sit 24-48 hrs. -
burp 1-3 times per day so it doesn't build up too much pressure. CAREFULLY open bottles. If the grains are really active, they can
shoot yummy liquid all over your ceiling or even break a glass bottle. If in doubt, open it in the sink with a towel
over the top.
The water kefir grains that you strained out can be rinsed
briefly (rinsing is optional, be gentle) and placed in a clean jar to start the
process again or rested in sugar (1 T. sugar/1 cup water) in the fridge if you
need a break. It takes a bit to figure
out how sweet/sour/fizzy/etc. you want it and there are endless flavorings to
play with. ***Cultures can cross-contaminate one another. Keep several feet from other fermented foods/beverages.
If starting with dried grains, it can take a few ferments
for the grains to become active again. Soak 2 tablespoons of dried grains in a
quart of water with the juice of 1-2 fresh lemons added. Let soak for 4-6 hrs.
Drain and start the regular recipe. Be sure and swirl them it to keep the ones
on the bottom mixed up.
Ginger, what is scoby? I received a bag of kumbacha that has liquid and solid matter from you today. Thank you!